Antitrust & Competition


Edgeworth’s experts solve challenging economic issues that arise in antitrust litigation and merger review, applying the latest theoretical and empirical knowledge to analyze market structures, industries, and how companies operate and compete.

Our team has extensive experience as both testifying and consulting economists in all types of antitrust matters before courts and regulatory authorities. We have testified and presented economic analyses in Federal District Court, and before the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. Our experts have been at the forefront of shaping Courts’ increasing reliance on rigorous economic analysis in antitrust litigation in both Section 1 and Section 2 cases.

Our experts are skilled in addressing economic issues related to relevant markets (product and geographic), entry conditions, pricing, company behavior, and strategic agreements. We have performed analysis and testified on a wide variety of cases, including class certification, antitrust liability, and antitrust damages matters as well as mergers and acquisitions and criminal cartel investigations. In these contexts, Edgeworth experts have assessed economic and econometric issues relating to:

  • Horizontal price fixing
  • Market allocation
  • Bid-rigging
  • Volume of commerce calculations
  • Monopolization
  • Refusals to deal
  • Unilateral and competitive effects
  • Coordinated effects
  • Merger efficiencies

Case Highlights

Case Highlights

Insights & News


  • CPI Antitrust Chronicle | 12.02.2024

    This article explores the economic dynamics and competition issues within the fast-advancing Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry. Generative AI, encompassing hardware, models, and applications, has seen rapid growth across sectors, offering potential for efficiency gains and innovation.

  • ABA Antitrust Law Section’s Economics Committee | 11.14.2024

    “Dark patterns” is a term used to describe potentially deceptive app or website designs that could manipulate consumers to make choices they would otherwise not make.

  • Published Article, Bloomberg Law | 09.18.2024

    Pharmaceutical manufacturers introduce new and improved versions of drugs as part of their research and development strategy. However, concerns about antitrust violations are raised when manufacturers are alleged to use anticompetitive tactics to stifle generic competition.

  • Published Article, Bloomberg Law | 08.21.2024

    In the last year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken several actions to challenge patents listed in the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Orange Book.

  • Published Article, Bloomberg Law | 07.11.2024

    Edgeworth experts Dr. George Korenko and Dr. Tram Nguyen describe FTC actions and recent court decisions and how they affect the recent state of economic analysis of antitrust impact for these alleged patent practices in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Published Article, ABA Antitrust Law Section | 06.13.2024

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) are continually focused on investigating the impact of consolidation in healthcare. More recently, the agencies have expressed a renewed interest in for-profit medicine.

  • Published Article, GCR Data and Antitrust Guide | 05.20.2024

    Edgeworth experts Matt Milner, Sophie Meadows, Ashley Zhou, and Monica Zhong highlight the importance of economic analysis in assessing competitive harm in data-focused industries in the Global Competition Review Data and Antitrust Guide.

  • Published Article, ABA Antitrust Section Economics Committee | 05.09.2024

    The ABA Antitrust Section’s 2024 Spring Meeting panel “Failure to Communicate? Improving Expert Testimony” provided a lively discussion about the evolving role of the expert witness, what makes an effective expert witness, and changing trends in trial procedure that may help streamline expert testimony.

  • Published Article, CPI Antitrust Chronicle | 04.30.2024

    In this piece published in the CPI Antitrust Chronicle, Edgeworth experts Tram Nguyen and Connor Moynihan review recent criminal antitrust cases involving expert witness testimony to highlight the types of economic analyses that were utilized in these matters and discuss the likely increase in reliance on expert economic testimony in the future.

  • Published Article, Law360 | 05.16.2022

    In this article, Dr. George Korenko and Dr. Tram Nguyen identify dimensions along which, over aggregation and averaging, likely lead to findings of uninjured class members.

  • Published Article, Bloomberg Law | 09.11.2020

    In this Bloomberg Law article, Edgeworth Partner Dr. George Korenko and Mary Gately, Partner at DLA Piper, discuss from a legal and economic perspective the issue of breach of contract damages arising during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Published Article, Law360 | 08.28.2020

    In this Law360 article, Edgeworth Partners Dr. George Korenko and Matthew Milner provide a primer on the economics of class certification and discuss the application of economics to price gouging class actions.

  • Published Article, Law360 | 07.21.2020

    In this article, published in Law360, Edgeworth Partner Dr. George Korenko and Principal Consultant Dr. Tram Nguyen discuss three key issues cited in the Court of Appeals opinion and their implications for the economic analysis of predominance in the Lamictal case and in other pay-for-delay litigations.

  • Published Article, Law360 | 04.03.2020

    As COVID-19 spreads throughout the country, it is especially important unscrupulous sellers do not take advantage of Americans by selling products at unconscionable prices. Dr. John H. Johnson, Dr. George Korenko, and Matthew Milner describe various concepts used when identifying appropriate benchmarks and comparators in an assessment of price gouging.

  • Published Article, ABA Economics Committee Newsletter | 02.2020

    Dr. George Korenko and Matthew Milner provide 10 best practices to help practitioners overcome the hurdles of gathering detailed data in antitrust cases and make the process more cost efficient and effective for litigation.

  • Published Article, Law360 | 12.13.2019

    Edgeworth Partners Dr. George Korenko and Matthew Milner build on their previously published best practices for managing data in antitrust cases, and discuss the additional considerations that become relevant when the data involves financial products.

  • Law360 | 05.23.2018

    In anticipation of future civil class actions related to no-poach and wage-fixing agreements, Edgeworth Partners Dr. Stephen Bronars and Dr. Deborah Foster have published a two-part primer in Law360 on wage analyses that are frequently used in employment discrimination cases and will become increasingly relevant as labor issues cross over into the antitrust arena.

  • Law360 | 05.23.2018

    In anticipation of future civil class actions related to no-poach and wage-fixing agreements, Edgeworth Partners Dr. Stephen Bronars and Dr. Deborah Foster have published a two-part primer in Law360 on wage analyses that are frequently used in employment discrimination cases and will become increasingly relevant as labor issues cross over into the antitrust arena.

  • Law360 | 04.28.2017

    Dr. George Korenko and Matthew Milner offer strategies for attorneys and experts collecting and preparing data for antitrust cases.

  • Privacy & Security Law Report | 02.01.2017

    Edgeworth Partner Michael Kheyfets co-authored an article in Bloomberg Law's Privacy & Security Law Report.

  • Antitrust Magazine | 04.26.2016

    In "Turning Daubert on its Head: Efforts to Banish Hypothesis Testing in Antitrust Class Actions," Edgeworth CEO Dr. John Johnson, with Former Partners  Dr. Laila Haider and Dr. Gregory Leonard discuss the recent attempts by plaintiffs to exclude expert evidence and opinions offered by defendants' expert economists with the argument that the experts’ statistical testing of plaintiffs’ proposed methodology does not satisfy the Daubert standard for the admissibility of expert testimony. 

  • Law360 | 05.30.2013

    Dr. Jesse David gives an economic perspective of food labeling cases by discussing the “predominance” requirement for class certification.

  • Law360 | 04.04.2013

    Dr. John Johnson with Former Partner Dr. Laila Haider discuss the role of rigorous analysis in the U.S. Supreme Court’s most recent antitrust ruling in Comcast Corp. v. Behrend.

  • Antitrust Law Journal | 09.01.2011

    Dr. John H. Johnson and Dr. Gregory Leonard discuss the empirical analyses used to determine class certification issues in Rigorous Analysis of Class Certification Comes of Age, published by the ABA’s Antitrust Law Journal.

  • Antitrust Magazine | 06.28.2011

    This article examines recent class actions, including a review of the issues that affect economic analysis as it relates to antitrust matters.

  • Law Journal Press | 06.01.2011
  • Law360  | 06.25.2010

    Matthew Milner opined on the reliability of structured data in litigation, writing “Structured data is frequently the foundation of expert analysis in litigation for a variety of damages and liability issues."

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