
Dr. Tram Nguyen specializes in quantitative economic analysis and modeling within the context of labor and employment discrimination matters, industrial organization, and firm management. She has extensive experience analyzing large and varied datasets, as well as expertise in machine learning and statistical tools.

Dr. Nguyen has provided support to clients on issues related to the economics of class certification for both direct and indirect purchaser classes and applying rigorous econometric analyses in estimating antitrust damages in dozens of matters. Her casework spans a broad range of industries, including agricultural products, railroads, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and consumer products. Across these fields, Dr. Nguyen has extensive experience in leading teams of consultants to conduct empirical analysis of economic issues and present analytical insights in expert reports.

Dr. Nguyen’s academic research focused on issues of labor and employment in developing countries. In her dissertation, Dr. Nguyen analyzes the effects of a sector-specific minimum wage on wages in other sectors by examining the garment industry in Cambodia. During her undergraduate and graduate studies, she was awarded several research grants, excellent teaching recognitions, and academic prizes.


  • Research Assistant, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston


  • Consumer Goods
  • Pharmaceuticals 
  • Transportation

Insights & News


Edgeworth Insights

The Antitrust Prescription

  • Blog, 07.11.2024

    Edgeworth experts Dr. George Korenko and Dr. Tram Nguyen describe FTC actions and recent court decisions and how they affect the recent state of economic analysis of antitrust impact for these alleged patent practices in the pharmaceutical industry.

  • Blog, 03.04.2024

    The 340B Drug Pricing Program is designed to increase access to affordable drugs for vulnerable patient populations. However, the success of the program and the complexity of the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program could result in the unintended effect of needlessly increasing costs to drug manufacturers and states.

  • Blog, 07.26.2023

    In this new article for The Antitrust Prescription, our pharmaceutical economics team discusses Amgen’s proposed acquisition of Horizon and the FTC’s broader approach to challenging conduct under Section 5 of the FTC Act. 

  • Blog, 05.30.2023

    In this edition of The Antitrust Prescription, our Pharmaceutical Economics team discusses Merck and Glenmark's  settlements with direct purchasers, end payors, and retailers worth over a combined $600 million. 

  • Blog, 03.15.2023

    In this article, Dr. George Korenko and Dr. Tram Nguyen discuss a brief history of the numerosity standards and the potential implications of recent decisions in pharmaceutical antitrust matters.

Speaking Engagements


Project Experience

Project Experience


  • Consultant to counsel on end-payer class certification and damages issues involving pay-for-delay, monopolization, and restrained competition allegations of a pharmaceutical product
  • Assisted counsel in the production of defendants' and third parties’ data across multiple systems related to the direct and indirect purchaser classes involving allegations of price fixing of multiple prescription drugs
  • Consultant to counsel on direct purchaser class certification and damages issues involving pay-for-delay and product hop allegations
  • Assisted counsel in developing an econometric estimation model a nationwide settlement involving a pain management product
  • Consultant to counsel on class certification issues involving price fixing claims and allegations of supply restriction and customer allocation in the chemical product industry including analyses of economic issues related to pass-through in various supply chains
  • Consultant to counsel on class certification issues involving allegations of supply restriction in agricultural products for both direct and indirect classes, conducting economic and statistical analysis for Joint Defense Group
  • Consultant to counsel on merit and damages issues involving allegations of price fixing in transportation markets related to direct action plaintiffs, conducting economic and statistical analyses


  • Consultant to counsel on class certification and damages issues related to allegations of gender discrimination including statistical analyses of salary and promotion data
  • Consultant to counsel on merits issues involving monopolization in a local labor market

Pharma Experience

Pharma Experience

  • Consultant to counsel on end-payer class certification and damages issues involving pay-for-delay, monopolization, and restrained competition allegations of a pharmaceutical product
  • Assisted counsel in the production of defendants' and third parties’ data across multiple systems related to the direct and indirect purchaser classes involving allegations of price fixing of multiple prescription drugs
  • Consultant to counsel on direct purchaser class certification and damages issues involving pay-for-delay and product hop allegations
  • Assisted counsel in developing an econometric estimation model a nationwide settlement involving a pain management product
  • Consultant to counsel on class certification issues involving price fixing claims and allegations of supply restriction and customer allocation in the chemical product industry including analyses of economic issues related to pass-through in various supply chains


Dr. Nguyen earned her PhD and MA in economics from Stanford University. She earned her BS, summa cum laude, in economics and mathematics from Bates College.

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