
Dr. Sama Agrawal specializes in quantitative economic analysis and modeling within the context of labor and employment discrimination matters, including allegations of discrimination related to race, age, and gender. She has extensive experience analyzing large and varied datasets, as well as expertise in statistical and econometric tools.

Dr. Agrawal has provided litigation support on numerous engagements involving claims related to a variety of employment practices including recruitment, hiring, performance evaluation, compensation, promotion, and termination. Her areas of expertise include processing and analyzing complex data and making inferences from the results to assist in the evaluation of class certification and merits issues in employment matters.

Dr. Agrawal’s casework spans a broad range of industries, including technology, automobiles, gaming, consumer products, and the public sector. Across these fields, Dr. Agrawal has extensive experience in leading teams of consultants to conduct empirical analyses of economic issues and presenting analytical insights in expert reports.

Her academic research focused on imperfect markets. In her dissertation, Dr. Agrawal develops theoretical models to study the effects of credit market frictions on fiscal policy. During her graduate studies, she was awarded several research grants and excellent teaching recognitions.

Previous Experience

  • Senior Manager, Resolution Economics LLC

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Dr. Agrawal earned her PhD, MRes, and MSc in economics from the University of Manchester (UK). She earned her BSc in Economics from the National University of Singapore.

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